Nowadays a lot more Polish citizens are able to travel to exotic destinations for holidays, you don’t need to be wealthy to pay for that. It is all thanks to airline companies which are offering flights to Thailand, Vietnam or China in very reasonable price.
Miesiąc: Styczeń 2018
How to pack for a hike in the mountains?
When spring is finally coming most of the people are starting to planning future vacations, or just simple longer weekend in some nice metropolis. However warm and sunny days are also perfect for a hike in the mountains, the perfect way to spend some time with a nature, breath the fresh air and get in shape.
Prepare for first travel by plane!
In present times in Poland airplane is probably the most popular mode of transportation, when we are taljing about holidays. Airline are offering plenty of flights from and to Poland, and prices are often very reasonable.
Amazing trip to Berlin
Europe is very magical continent with plenty of different monuments to explore. Thanks to membership to European Union Polish travelers are able to explore fascination locations during the summer holidays.
The best monuments in Bratislava
One, longer holidays during entire year is not enough for most of the people. That is why plenty of travelers from Poland like to take a shorter, lasting one weekend trip to popular, European metropolis.