How to prepare for exotic journey?

Nowadays a lot more Polish citizens are able to travel to exotic destinations for holidays, you don’t need to be wealthy to pay for that. It is all thanks to airline companies which are offering flights to Thailand, Vietnam or China in very reasonable price. But exotic journey is different than trip to the European land, cause the culture and other issues are totally different. How to prepare before trip like that?

Visit a doctor

Before you even start to arrange the journey to exotic destination, remember to visit your doctor, no matter if you are healthy or not. Countries like Thailand for example sometimes may be a little dangerous for European travelers. It is all because of… microbes! European people are familiar with our local bacteria, our organisms are not afraid of those and can fight it easily, even when we are a little weaker. Microbes in Thailand are different, only local people are safe from those. If you are visiting this country for a first time and you will get a flu for example, it is possible that microbes will invade your body and cause serious illnesses. That is why you need to take a couple of shots of vaccines, to avoid unpleasant situations. Your doctor will check your body and if you are health enough he will inscribe you a proper vaccines.

Culture barriers

This topic is important especially for women who like to visit Arabic country. Places like Egypt and Tunis are very open for European people, so you can act in there like in home. However UEA or Saudi Arabia are totally different. Both of this countries have legislation based on religious law, that is why women are treated totally different. You shouldn’t walk on the streets without proper clothes, do not take too short dress or trousers with you, try to cover your breast. And if you are going to visit some Islamic temple you need to dress up in special dress which is covering your legs, arms and hairs. Otherwise you won’t be able to enter the church. In the same countries couples in love shouldn’t exhibit their feelings openly on the streets – public kisses or hugs are forbidden by law!

Exotic vacations can be very pleasant, but if you are planning long distant journey you need to prepare yourself good. Remember to visit your doctor before Asian journey, it will help you to avoid unpleasant illnesses. And if you are visiting country, where law is based on religious dogmas, you have to learn all about proper behaviors, cause you can even get arrested!