Travelling by plane: how to fight the anxiety?

Aeroplane is a very safe way of transportation. Despite that, many people are afraid of flying. The problem is when it is difficult to avoid the plane travel – for example in case of a business trip. What to do in this situation? How to deal with the fear of flying?

Realism above all

Firstly, it is good to find out more about the flights, the air traffic and other issues, connected with this type of travelling. In fact, the risk of dying in a plane crash is extremely low. Travelling by plane is safer that driving by car. Moreover, every machine is rigidly tested before it is made available for passengers. Between the flights it is also controlled and every little defect is repaired. Finally, it takes long hours of practise to become a pilot. Those who steer a plane are really qualified. They know how to react in many situations. There is no risk that the pilot is inexperienced.

The ways to relax

Before flight, an appropriate rest is advised. When someone is refreshed, he can cope with stress better. Coffee, alcohol and any drinks that stimulate organism ought to be avoided. When someone does not like flying, he should find his own way to relax. Reading a book, listening to favourite music or conversation with another person can minimize the stress. There is no need to think of dark scenarios – they have nothing in common with reality. While entering the board, it is good to inform the stuff about the worries connected with flying. These people are professionals, and they know that not everyone likes flying – there is no risk that they will laugh. During the flight deep breathing is recommended. Some people sleep throughout it – it is also a good way to spend this time.

A professional course

Those who know that travelling by plane can be a part of their job can take part in a course, led by people connected with aviation. Here professional knowledge is presented. Pilots and flight assistants talk about their work and all the proceedings connected with the flight. It is also an opportunity to listen to some psychologists. This can help to understand the anxiety and as a result – minimize or even eliminate it, thanks to advice on how to deal with the fear of flying. A lot of people who attended these workshops realised that there is no reason to be scared.

Travelling by plane can be a really exciting and pleasant experience. Those who have never travelled that way before or are afraid of it should understand how it works. It helps to relax and feel that everything is in the hands of experienced people.