Prepare for first travel by plane!

In present times in Poland airplane is probably the most popular mode of transportation, when we are taljing about holidays. Airline are offering plenty of flights from and to Poland, and prices are often very reasonable. But even with this popularity still many people haven’t use a plane yet. If you are about to take a part in your first flight this are couple of information you may find useful.

Book the flight

Even if you are about to use an offer of a smaller carrier it isn’t sure that the price of a ticket will be reasonable enough. To make sure you are getting the best deal, try to book the trip as early as possible. Cause when airline carriers are introducing new flights the prices are very low for several days, to tempt future passengers. If you miss this opportunity after several weeks you will pay for the same ticket a lot bigger price. Another option to get even cheaper price for a flight is last minute offers. About few days before the flight airline carriers are reducing prices for a seats which wasn’t sold, to make sure that someone will be interested in. This option is risky but if you like to be spontaneous it will be perfect for you.

How to pack your bag?

After series of terrorist attacks regulations about baggage on board were drastically changed. Most of the travelers are choosing only carry on bag, which are keeping on board, with easy access for passengers. That is why plenty of items are strictly forbidden. For example you cannot take too much liquids with you. If you have some cosmetics like that you will have to collect everything into plastic bags that contains 100 ml tops. All the liquids need to be also collected together into transparent bag. You cannot also take any items with sharp edges with you on board. Remember to check if you don’t have any scissors or knifes, cause security will track it and throw away.

Another information

If you are about to travelling by plane during longer, lasting 12 hours flight, you need to prepare yourself well. During the trip you will be lasting in a seated position very long and it is very bad for your health, cause blood cloths may appear into your veins. To avoid this situation you should take a longer walk before the flight, to speed the blood circulation. Also jogging will be perfect idea. And during the flight you need to stand up and take a walk, from time to time, only for a bathroom r down the alley. Especially women are in group of risk, you shouldn’t downplay that!